Here is a message from Tsunehisa Morisawa, President of Morisawa Bunken Inc., who is going to be in charge of Akashi Award(both Kanji and Latin Category).
There are already numerous typefaces in the world, making it a tremendeous challenge to create a new typeface. But it could be said that the harder the job, the bigger the opportunity. I eagerly await the emergence of a typeface of an overwhelming presence, one that is both fresh and noble. I sincerely look forward to encountering your ambicious designs.
What is Akashi Award?
At Akashi Award, entry works are to be judged for typeface designs appropriate for commercialization by Morisawa Inc. The name of Akashi Award is from Akashi City(Hyogo Pref.) which is the address of Morisawa Bunken Inc. that is assuming a large role in creating Morisawa Fonts.