We have announced the judges and the entry sheet for the Type Design Competition 2024.

The Type Design Competition 2024 is an international competition specialized in typeface design, aiming for fair evaluation by highly specialized judges. This year’s Morisawa Award judges consist of three members per category, bringing a multifaceted perspective from both creators and users of typefaces as they judge the submissions.
Japanese Category
Osamu Torinoumi, Typeface Designer
Ryoko Nishizuka, Principal Designer, Adobe Type
Issay Kitagawa, CEO of GRAPH / Designer / Artist
Latin Category
Laura Meseguer, Type and Brand Designer
Ilya Ruderman, Type and Graphic Designer
Indra Kupferschmid, Typographer / Professor
Simplified Chinese category
Zhu Zhiwei, Type Director
Chen Rong, Associate Professor / Art Director
Liu Xiaoxiang, Art Director of XXL Studio
Traditional Chinese category
Masaaki Hiromura, Graphic Designer
Julius Hui, Typeface Designer
Wan Chun Ho, Graphic Designer
Hangeul category
Wujin Sim, Typographer / Type Director / Writer
Sulki Choi, Graphic Designer
Bon Min, Type Designer / Professor
Emeritus Judges
Cyrus Highsmith, Type Designer / Graphic Artist
Matthew Carter, Type Designer

Entry Sheets
The entry sheet for all categories is composed of “Designated Characters,” “Typesetting Samples,” and “Open Assignments,” designed to respect the unique features of each submission while ensuring they are judged under the same conditions. Additionally, during the judging process, entrants’ names and information related to their works will be kept confidential to ensure a rigorous selection process.
Submission Period: May 14, 2024, to August 29, 2024 (Japan Time)
Results Announcement: February 2025 (Tentative)
For future updates, please follow us on our official social media accounts for the MOTC24.