
Morisawa Type Design Competition 2024 – Results Announcement

We are pleased to announce the results of the Morisawa Type Design Competition 2024.

This year, the competition aimed to discover new talent and showcase creativity in type design. Alongside a panel of distinguished judges from various fields, we invited works that pushed the boundaries of design. For 2024, the competition included five categories: Japanese, Latin, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Hangul.
From May 14 to August 29, 2024, we received a total of 1,092 entries from 45 countries and regions worldwide: 173 in the Japanese category, 480 in the Latin category, 193 in the Simplified Chinese category, 92 in the Traditional Chinese category, and 154 in the Hangul category.

The judging took place on November 27 and 28 at Morisawa’s headquarters. All entries were reviewed anonymously to ensure fairness, and after careful deliberation, the panel selected one Gold, Silver, and Bronze winner per category, along with five Honorable Mentions in each category. Some designers received multiple awards for different works.

The judging panel included:
Japanese Category
Osamu Torinoumi
Ryoko Nishizuka
Issay Kitagawa

Latin Category
Laura Meseguer
Ilya Ruderman
Indra Kupferschmid

Simplified Chinese category
Zhu Zhiwei
Chen Rong
Liu Xiaoxiang

Traditional Chinese category
Masaaki Hiromura
Julius Hui
Wan Chun Ho

Hangeul category
Wujin Sim
Sulki Choi
Bon Min

Emeritus Judges
Cyrus Highsmith
Matthew Carter

We also held “Fan Favorites,” where the top two entries were chosen by public vote. In total, 50 works received awards across all categories, including winners from the Morisawa Prize and Fan Vote.
You can look forward to more details about the winning entries and judges’ comments, which will be available on our official website in Spring 2025. We’ll also be sharing a collection of the winning works at various Morisawa-hosted events.

Awarded Works and Designers (Honorifics Omitted)

Morisawa Award
Japanese category

(From top)
Gold Prize Kuromugi Yoshihiko Toya【Japan】
Silver Prize Insho Daisuke Fukushi【Japan】
Bronze Prize kt Ganta Uchikiba【Japan】

Honorable Mention
(Top row, from left)
lamp cyousou Hiraki Ajino【Japan】
Norentai Koki Hayashi【Japan】
Suzutake Oma Kobayashi【Japan】
(Bottom row, from left)
4S Takuya Nakazawa【Japan】
Shiratsuyu Kaisho Jin Nagase【Japan】

Latin category

(From top)
Gold Prize Nimonic Naiqian Wang【China】
Silver Prize Vol. Naiqian Wang【China】
Bronze Prize Loica José Solé【Chile】

Honorable Mention
(Top row, from left)
Kyoot Craig Eliason【United States of America】
Path Grotesk Tien-Min Liao【Taiwan】
Lobulo Oscar Guerrero【Colombia】
(Bottom row, from left)
Florocine Carlos Ávila【Colombia】
Celcius Naiqian Wang【China】

Simplified Chinese category

(From top)
Gold Prize WENKAI Dingci Sun【China】
Silver Prize Xin Feng VF Yixuan Wu【China】
Bronze Prize TangMoBang Yujian Wang【China】

Honorable Mention
(Top row, from left)
Duo Zhengyou Gu【China】
HaoBoTi Hao Qian【China】
YAHEI Mengyi Luo【China】
(Bottom row, from left)
Yourong Type Congyu Zhang,Yue Chen【China】
wenhuayanshanxinwei WenHuaZiXing【China】

Traditional Chinese category

(From top)
Gold Prize Cao Chuang Gu Yun Rongrong Gu【China】
Silver Prize Bi Tai Bak Chingchan Kao【Taiwan】
Bronze Prize rounded Kinbun Taichi Saito【Japan】

Honorable Mention
(Top row, from left)
Ricebeam Taijiang Lin【Taiwan】
mi Mubing Lang【China】
SuSeng Chìhông Tân【China】
(Bottom row, from left)
Wei Gothic Chinghin Chan Roy【Hong Kong】
li kai Mubing Lang【China】

Hangeul category

(From top)
Gold Prize wanwan Yejin Wi【Republic of Korea】
Silver Prize sanmun Samyeol Ahn【Republic of Korea】
Bronze Prize Space-Block Seunghyub Lee【Republic of Korea】

Honorable Mention
(Top row, from left)
Han-saem Soorin Park【Republic of Korea】
Neoguri Samyeol Ahn【Republic of Korea】
Code Square Juyeon Kim【Republic of Korea】
(Bottom row, from left)
Kyulgu Sans Soonhyung Kwon【Republic of Korea】
Candlelight Saebin Lee【Republic of Korea】

The finalists selected for the final judging of the Morisawa Prize, along with their IDs and creators, are listed below (in ID order, honorifics titles omitted).

Japanese category
J00033AA 調子ちえ
J00048AA 棚瀬しんじ
J00056AA 森山政信
J00095AA 今市達也
J00107AA 正木茂
J00126AA-AB 七尾英身
J00127AA Tien-Min  Liao
J00137AA 竹井弘幸
J00160AA 青木哲
J00179AA/J00180AA 大庭三紀
J00196AA-AI Typotheque & Mallikātype & Kazuhiro Yamada
J00210AA-AD Niklas Herrmann
J00235AA Fang Ping Lin

Latin category
L00100AA-AF Quang-Huy Le
L00145AA-AF Olga Umpeleva
L00173AA Fernando Pujolá & Yorlmar Campos
L00204AA Dafne Martinez
L00205AA Junhui Cai
L00239AA-AD Shin
L00346AA-AB 李 想想
L00347AA Javier Quintana Godoy
L00379AA Oscar Guerrero Cañizares
L00400AA-AB Nick Nedashkovskiy
L00439AA Timothy Donaldson

Simplified Chinese category
S00021AA 陈义豪
S00026AA/AM QuartetType
S00032AA 鲁大年
S00067AB 李佳佳
S00086AA 吉梦琪
S00102AA 李主一
S00108AA 艳芳 徐
S00119AA 钟骏
S00139AA 黄放
S00141AA 吴弈轩
S00193AA 张 丛馀、陈 月
S00197AA 陶帝
S00205AA/S00209AA 文华字型
S00221AA 张玲丽

Traditional Chinese category
T00017AA 林奎楙
T00021AA 詹 莉荷 CHAN LIHO
T00069AA 劉子綾
T00078AA-AD,AF-AH QuartetType
T00095AA 张 丛馀、陈 月
T00096AA Zilong Xu
T00100AA 甘薇云
T00101AA 韩兴龙
T00103AA 字刻Typetime 顾蓉蓉
T00113AA 曹文强
T00114AA 王伯楊
T00123AA アオキジュニヤ
T00124AA 罗龚彬
T00131AA Zhuoyi Liang

Hangeul category
K00001AAH-ACH 캐롯손해보험 주식회사
K00055AAH 박종규
K00060AAH 박원호
K00076AAH 이채영
K00078AAH 이 승협
K00083AAH 박 준영
K00084AAH 백 선희
K00094AAH 최 다연
K00095AAH 이 주임
K00098AAH 남 재희
K00102AAH 박미정, 강인구
K00103AAH 이새봄
K00171AAH 조 두경
K00173AAH Yuki Sugimoto
K00174AAH 李 宙賢
K00181AAH/K00185AAH 박부미
K00196AAH 손재이, 강인구
K00197AAH 강미연
K00204AAH 문연재

Fan Favorite

1st Prize
(Top row, from left)
Japanese category
Honeybee Path Ami Sako【Japan】
Latin category 
Tachechi SemiBold Chaochên Chou【China】
Simplified Chinese category
Chang Kong Ti Tujun Zeng【China】
(Bottom row, from left)
Traditional Chinese category
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Hoying Wong【Hong Kong】
Hangeul category
Kkot-pyeonji Minjoon Choi【Republic of Korea】

2nd Prize
(Top row, from left)
Japanese category 
Suzutake Oma Kobayashi【Japan】
Latin category 
RR-Trivium  Rafael Ramirez Lozano【Mexico】
Simplified Chinese category
Waning moon fine black type Yang Gao【China】
(Bottom row, from left)
Traditional Chinese category
Alinsect typeface Kaihei Liu Anson【Hong Kong】
Hangeul category
Kyulgu Sans Soonhyung Kwon【Republic of Korea】

The works featured here have been restructured based on the submissions provided by the authors.

Stay connected with the official Morisawa Type Design Competition on social media, where we share updates on the judging process and showcase the winning works in each category.

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